I am not one that is naturally fearless, but oh I want to be! I don’t want to be afraid of people yet, I still am at times. I want to walk in the truth that I am ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ and if you don’t like me – that’s ok, because I’m not everyone’s ‘cuppa of tea’.. but it’s also, not my problem. I want to be fearless because I know my worth and value. I want to walk in the reality of Psalm 34:4 – “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all…
I love gardens. I just can’t stand gardening. I’ve discovered that once you put all the work into creating a garden, you must keep working to keep the weeds away. Weeds love to take over, so it’s a constant battle to keep a garden from getting choked out by weeds. I realized one day as I was muttering away at all this “stupid work” I was having to do to keep our front flower boxes looking groomed and cared for, that no matter how much I worked, the weeds would always be looking for their opportunity to come back. “God,…