• Leadership - Prayer

    Why Leaders Need Intercessors

    Definition of an intercessor; is a person who builds up a wall and stands in the gaps. God is searching for men and women to stand in the gap . I searched for a man among them who would build up the walland stand in the gap before Me for [the sake of] the land, that I would not destroy it, but I found no one [not even one].Ezekiel 22: 30 I believe that God is often looking for a man or woman who will stand in the gap for a LEADER, so that they will not be overtaken, overwhelmed…

  • Devotional

    Love Louder

    Have you forgotten who the enemy is?!! We are so busy fighting each other – judging each other – have we forgotten who is really benefiting from all this dissension? The enemy has lit a fire and just stands back and watches things burn. We have drawn lines in the sand that don’t need to be there! I’m okay with your choices. Are you okay with mine? Anger and judgments are hitting a new level. People attacking each other on Facebook and in person. People are now afraid to ask questions for fear of being judged and attacked!  Lord, help…

  • Devotional


    I am not one that is naturally fearless, but oh I want to be! I don’t want to be afraid of people yet, I still am at times. I want to walk in the truth that I am ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ and if you don’t like me – that’s ok, because I’m not everyone’s ‘cuppa of tea’.. but it’s also, not my problem. I want to be fearless because I know my worth and value. I want to walk in the reality of Psalm 34:4 – “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all…

  • Devotional


    I love gardens. I just can’t stand gardening. I’ve discovered that once you put all the work into creating a garden, you must keep working to keep the weeds away. Weeds love to take over, so it’s a constant battle to keep a garden from getting choked out by weeds. I realized one day as I was muttering away at all this “stupid work” I was having to do to keep our front flower boxes looking groomed and cared for, that no matter how much I worked, the weeds would always be looking for their opportunity to come back. “God,…