Definition of an intercessor; is a person who builds up a wall and stands in the gaps.
God is searching for men and women to stand in the gap .
I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall
and stand in the gap before Me for [the sake of] the land,
that I would not destroy it, but I found no one [not even one].
Ezekiel 22: 30
I believe that God is often looking for a man or woman who will stand in the gap for a LEADER, so that they will not be overtaken, overwhelmed or taken out. People who will come to the Wall when He calls them – not when it’s convenient or they feel like it. God is looking for people who come when the Holy Spirit calls! So many times we will say we are good at intercession and we pray for hours at a time – but God is looking for is, do you COME when He calls you?
Leaders need intercessors praying for them. God is constantly giving us new strategies on how to pray. That is why we need, as intercessors to constantly be trained in prayer. We need to be looking up new books, or current information and conferences on Prayer – so that we are building ourselves up – staying fresh and getting current strategies for warfare on behalf of leaders!
Leaders also need to be praying more effectively – not necessarily longer! Remember the scripture says the ‘Effective fervent prayer of a righteous man… ‘ We need to be praying effective prayers ! What does that mean to be effective when we pray. It’s to be strategic in how we pray – being focused on a target!
Why Leader’s don’t have intercessors:
1. Ignorance – lack of knowledge or teaching and don’t really see the importance, significance or necessity of it.
2. Rugged individualism – I can do it myself – so they don’t think about asking for help. ( very common among certain nationalities.. )
3.Fear – leaders are afraid of being vulnerable – ‘Who can I really share my heart with?’.. Leaders often don’t have many close friends. This may feel safe, but really isn’t.
4. Spiritual Arrogance – I’m leader . God called me.
5. Undue Humility – I’m no better than anyone else – who am I to ask for special prayer. I’m just ‘one of them’. ( No. that’s not true, your the LEADER!! )
Ask yourself, if you don’t have intercessors, or you only have a few, what is keeping you from receiving intercession from others.
False humility is thinking of yourself lower than what God says about you.
Pride is thinking of yourself ‘higher’ than what God says about you.
True Humility is to agree with what God has said about you.
Watch out for words like : ‘kinda’ .. when describing yourself and your leadership.. You’re either the leader or your not the leader.. Your either the Intercessors or your not the intercessor. If you’re JUST an intercessor – you’re minimizing what God is saying you are! If you’re JUST a leader, you are minimizing your leadership. Remember, the enemy will also take you at your Word.. and if you’re ‘just’ a leader.. or only ‘kinda’ leading.. he will work on minimizing your leadership, your authority and your honour!
Leaders need to remember that the higher they go up in the role in the Kingdom, the higher they go up on Satan’s hit list. Why? Because when a leader gets taken out, especially through sin, it causes such a ripple effect through the Body! It causes an ‘effect’ that is harmful! That’s why the enemy loves to go after leaders! The enemy wants to take you out and that means your ministry, your marriage! If he can’t get you, he’ll go after your seed – your children and your grandchildren! He’s out to destroy the sea of God. So if you don’t think you personally need intercessors, ask your family if life is peaceful for them. If not.. then you probably need intercessors. You are targets, because you are more visible! That’s not to cause you to be afraid, but it is meant to make you think and be WISE!
I’ll post more about this another day..! But wanted to get you thinking!… .